Overview: Cyberbullying Resources for Parents and Students
Have you or someone you know been cyberbullied or harassed on the internet? Over 60% of teens report that they have been harassed or bullied online. Examples of this include hate speech, posting unwanted pictures to social media or other websites, threats sent over text or direct message, and many others.
TAKE ACTION GUIDE – When cyberbullying or online harassment occurs, there is often a lack of knowledge and widespread confusion regarding how to respond. Cyber Safeguard’s Take Action Guide was designed exactly for this purpose – to equip you with critical information to minimize confusion and provide direct steps that can be taken if and when you experience the complex issue of cyberbullying.
CS NEWSWIRE – Federal and state laws are frequently changing in an attempt to reduce cases of cyberbullying and online harassment. While it is important to pay attention and be aware of these changes as they may impact students, parents, and schools, these laws can be very difficult to track on your own. The CS Newswire was created to inform individuals about these news and legislative updates in real-time so you can stay up to date on laws related to cyberbullying and online harassment.